Tag Archives: Growing Up

School Days

As you know from earlier posts, Atticus has had some interesting encounters with other children, where they say some mean and inconsiderate things about his mouth.  As a parent, you want to protect your child from mean words, and you might feel inclined to keep them in a little bubble where nothing negative will happen to them.  In this situation, I need to do the opposite.  I took those situations and realized that I need to start Atticus in daycare as soon as possible.  He is only two and receives nursing care at home, but his father and I think it is very important to start him in daycare early so that he can get used to being around other kids, and so that other kids can get used to his differences.  It’s very important to us that Atticus has experience with other kids’ reactions to him prior to starting kindergarten.  My hope is that once the kids get used to his facial differences, it just won’t be a big deal anymore.  Once they realize that he is just like them, and as silly and sweet as can be, the facial differences will just be part of who he is.  As Atticus ages with these children, they will start to ask questions, and Atticus will learn how to react, answer, and explain.  This will prepare him for when he starts real school.

I found an amazing school here in Charlotte and I am excited to say that Atticus will be starting at Open Door School in September.  This school is part of the Unitarian Universalist Church here in Charlotte.  They are very progressive and open-minded and were very welcoming when I explained Atticus’s situation, and that he would need to have a nurse there in case of an emergency with his trach.

I’m so excited for my little guy to start school and make friends.  Since he is an only child, it’s important that he gets to play and socialize with other kids.  He will go twice a week for three hours per day, which I think is perfect for a 2 year old.  I think it will also be a great way for Brian and I to meet parents, make friends, and build our social network here in Charlotte.