Kennedy’s Cause

Kennedy is a 16 year-old girl who was born with lymphatic malformation.  She is an inspiration and through her non-profit organization, Kennedy’s Cause, she is raising awareness and funds to help improve research and treatment options for others with lymphatic malformation.  The message behind her cause is ‘Let your inner beauty shine’.  She was recently featured on Katie Couric’s talk show.  Even Katie Couric, who I’m sure has met tons of people, says that she had never heard of lymphatic malformation before meeting Kennedy.  I am so happy that Kennedy was featured on this show, first to bring awareness to LM, but also so that people can see that individuals with lymphatic malformation can and do lead happy and productive lives.  Kennedy is an accomplished violinist and volleyball player.  Nothing stops these kids – at an early age they learn to be strong and push through obstacles that others will never know.

I am happy that lymphatic malformation is finally getting some awareness.  Click here for the video of Kennedy on Katie Couric!


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