Tag Archives: Charlotte

It’s Amazing How the World Works

It’s funny how things happen – how the world has a way of bringing people together.  We’ve been in Charlotte for a little over a year now and it was time for me to find an OB/GYN here.  I didn’t do my normal method of just picking a doctor based on location or convenience (although that was still a factor).  I really researched this one.  Especially since my experience having Atticus was nowhere near ordinary, I really needed to find someone who would listen to my story and be sensitive to my needs should me and Brian decide to have another baby.  I wanted my new doctor to be a woman, not be too young nor too old.  I researched how long each doctor has been in practice and where they went to medical school.  Finally, location mattered too.  Preferable close to work, since if we do have another baby, I’d be going to my appointments from work.

I finally found someone who looked good and I went to my appointment.  I explained everything to her – the ultrasound at 32 weeks with the large tongue, the fetal MRI, the EXIT procedure, the tongue reduction surgery.  I even went prepared with my print out explaining the EXIT procedure just in case.

I was surprised at the doctor’s look of recognition when I mentioned tongue reduction.  She explained that her best friend has a daughter with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and that this child was also born with a large tongue and has had a tongue reduction surgery.  Wow, I thought.  What are the odds of this.  We talked about being grateful for these kids and how well they are doing, and how she sees so many patients who really don’t know how good they have it.

The doctor consulted with her best friend to see if she would be interested in talking with me.  She was.  We met today for lunch and talked about our amazing children.  Her daughter is doing extremely well.  We talked about our experiences with tongue reduction surgery.  I never thought I’d be having this conversation with another mom over lunch.  We compared before and after pictures of our children, before and after tongue reduction.  She knew the feeling of trying to snap photos when the baby was holding their tongue in.  Not many parents know that feeling.

It’s interesting the way the world works.  I researched and researched my Charlotte OB/GYN and she connected me with a mother who I could talk to about things that no one else would understand.  This is something to be grateful for and I’m once again amazed at how things come together.